NHS Shared Business Services Digital Workplace Solutions

brown cardboard box with yellow light

Framework agreement description

The digital workplace solutions framework which replaces the Link: IT Solutions framework provides an OJEU compliant route to market for the procurement of full end-to-end IT solutions, and individual elements of IT solutions. The digital framework can ensure delivery of effective consumer-oriented technologies that meet your requirements across a range of IT infrastructure areas.

This includes: data centre infrastructure, servers and storage, networking and security products, end user computing hardware and software, bespoke software, professional services and training. The framework complements Link 2: IT Hardware which focuses on end user client devices.

The main objective of this digital workplace solutions framework, is to meet complex customer specific requirements through provision of a bundled solution of IT products and services, which may include elements from several of the different categories available.

For more information, download our brochure

people sitting on chair in front of laptop computers

Who can access the framework?

All UK-based public sector organisations, including:

  • Government organisations
  • Charities
  • Housing Associations
  • The prison service
  • NHS organisations
  • Local authorities/LEA
  • Further and higher education
  • Academies
  • Emergency services
  • Museums, galleries etc

Get in touch to see if you’re eligible to join the Digital Workplace Solutions Framework.

What is within framework agreement?

Servers and storage
Networking and security
End-user computing
Professional services

Ready to get started?


Our team of technology experts are ready and available to help no matter what solutions, products, or services you’re interested in, we’d love to talk.

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